Catch up on our training sessions
Missed our recent training on Fleet & Targeted Email? Catch up here.
As you hopefully have heard by now the party is working hard to improve our technology, data and tools. In a few places - especially on websites and email, this will mean bringing in a few new tools.
One of those is a tool to help you run great local events. It’s called Eventcube and it has been trialled with a small selection of local parties over the last three months.
It’s now being released to all local parties for wider testing between now and September.
You can sign up to use the tool today to help you run great events. Most people have found it really easy to use but, because it’s still in testing, it does mean you might find there are a few things that still need a bit of polish (there’s a little more on this below)!#
If that sounds great and you want in - then you can sign up for a free account here: https://tech.libdems.org.uk/eventcube-signup (and if you want to know more, keep reading!)
You can find out more about Eventcube here: https://tech.libdems.org.uk/eventcube
Eventcube is free to sign up and it’s free to run events. We’ve also found it’s simple and easy to use.
If you’re wanting to charge for tickets then that will cost a portion of the ticket sales (5% +25p), which will be deducted from the ticket price by default. You can also choose to pass that on to the end-user.
You should also be aware that parts of Eventcube are still a work in progress. There are a few things that we’re still working on, including:
As we said earlier, this is still in testing - so if you find something that isn’t working right, could be improved or even that you’d like included - just let us know! We will be really happy to help.
And that’s it!
You can find out more about Eventcube here: https://tech.libdems.org.uk/eventcube and you can get your account by signing up here: https://tech.libdems.org.uk/eventcube-signup